Monday 26 August 2019

Prepositions of place in English.

Цікаві відеоматеріали про прийменники місця можна подивитися у цьому плейлисті:

Вправи на прийменники місця

в Україні, у Львові, на Майорівці, на вулиці Шевченка, у Рясному, на річці, на морі, на озері, у світі.
Вдома, на роботі, у школі, в Університеті, за столом, за комп’ютером.
На столі, на стіні, на поличці, на підлозі.
Перед будинком, за будинком, перед школою, за школою.
Біля мене, біля тебе, біля нього, біля неї, біля нас, біля вас, біля них.

Я сиджу за столом. Він любить працювати за комп'ютеромЗараз її немає вдома. Вона зараз на  роботі. Вона працює на фірмі. Вона вчиться в університеті. Її молодший брат навчається у школіУчитель стоїть біля дошки і пояснює вправу.На столі стоїть склянка з водою. Учень стоїть поруч з учителем і відповідає домашнє завдання. Вони живуть поруч зі мною.

  Interesting places in Lviv.  

Where is Opera House?
Where is Town Hall?
Where is railway station?
Where is the airport?
Where is Shevchenko Monument?
Where is Stryisky Park?
Where are nice churches in the city?
Where is the High Castle?
What is the central point of the city?
Where is the cheapest market in the city?

Where is the best supermarket( low prices, wide assortment)?

Questions about the place of living+prepositions of place:

Is your place of living far from center?
How much time do you spend to get to work? 
How many entrances are in your house?
On what floor do you live?
What is in front of your house?
What is behind your house?
Do you know the neighbors who lives next to you, above you, under you?
Is it anything on the roof of your house?
Is it far to the bus stop?
Is it a church around?
Is it a hospital around?
Is ia a school in the neighborhood?

Questions about office: 

On what floor is your office?
Did you get to office by elevator or you climb upstairs?
Is your office large? How many rooms are in your office?
How many tables are in the office?  Are they standing at the walls? Is it anything by the tables? What is on the tables? What is under the tables?
Is it anything in the middle of the office room?
Is it a kitchen in your office? Where is it? Is it large? What is there?
Is it anything on the floor in your office? Is anything on the ceiling?
Are there any flowers in your office? Where are they located in the room?
Do you have any bookcases?
Is it an air conditioner in the room? Where is it?

Activities to practise the prepositions of place

Describe your neighborhood.
Describe your office room