Saturday 16 November 2019

Exercises based on Friends-1

Monica (is going out, is go out, goes out) for dinner with Paul.
After( leaving, left) her wedding  Rachel went to Monica because they ( have studied, had studied) together at Lincoln High School.
After( leaving, left) her  wedding  Rachel goes to Monica because they ( have studied, had studied) together at Lincoln High School.
Ross is upset because his wife(leaves, is leaving, has left) him.  Ross's mum (called, was calling, had called) Monica at night.

Chandler( works, has been working, has worked) in the office. 

When Phoebe(had come, came, was coming) to the city.  Before it her mother( had killed herself, killed herself) and  Phoebe ( had ended up, ended up) living with albino guy who (cleaned the windshields, was cleaning the windshields).  And then he ( killed himself, had killed himself)..And then she (found, had found, was founding aromatherapy).
If Phoebe (didn’t, don’t)   come to New York she ( wouldn’t found, will not found) aromatherapy.
      Now Rachel is looking for a job because she (has broken up, had broken up) with her dad.  Her dad is mad at her because she ( has run away, had run away) from wedding.  If Rachel( didn’t, doesn’t) run away she (wouldn’t, won’t) need to look for a job.
The friends(make, force) her to cut credit cards because they want her to live( on her own, on their own).

Чендлер і Джої не стали пити каву приготовану Рейчел.  Рос довго дивився на банку пива знайдену на кухні.  Меблі зібрані Чендлером та Джої виглядають дуже дивно.
Збираючи меблі,  Рос відсидів свої ноги( сouldn’t feel his legs). Розмовляючи з Франі,  Моніка дізналася що Пол обдурив ії.  Дивлячись на gravy boat Рейчел усвідомила що вона не любить Барі.
Втікши з весілля Рейчел кинулася до Моніки.  Розлучившись з дружиною Рос переїхав у нову квартиру.  Почувши про розлучення Роса його мама подзвонила Моніці о 3-й годині ночі.

Complex Object.
Тато Рейчел хоче щоб вона вийшла за Барі.  Рейчел хоче щоб тато зрозумів ії.  Росс хоче щоб його дружина повернулася.  Чендлер хоче щоб його мама дзвонила йому  хоча б інколи.

Infinitive of  Purpose.
Рейчел приїхала до Нью Йорка щоб вийти заміж за Барі.  Вона хотіла вийти заміж щоб бути незалежною від своїх батьків.

) Questions to subject( підмет).
Who pays for Rachel's credit card?  Who knows the answer?  Who lives here? Who broke the window?  Who did it? 

2) Questions to different parst of a sentence(special questions):
I like to drink tea after work.  I like to drink tea in front of TVset after work.  
He work at school for all his life. 
She left her office at 6 o'clock yesterday.
They will go to Poland in the next week. 

3) Complex object with bare infinitive( infinitive without "to") after see, hear, feel.
We can see thousands retailers scream( screaming). 
I saw him work hard(working hard)
I heard her give birth to a child.
I felt his mood change
I heard him become  a manager
I saw her talk on the phone( talking on the phone)

I feel him lie to me( lying to me)